
By identifying the 3 key needs for each stakeholder, we created a model of 9 pillars of success we use to evaluate the suitability of healthcare solutions.

HHIM is a flexible framework that can be used at any stage of the innovation process, from problem definition to product launch and helps guide product teams focus on the most important areas required to deliver valuable healthcare products & services.

How it works?

HHIM is a flexible framework that can be used at any stage of the innovation process, from problem definition to product launch and helps guide product teams focus on the most important areas required to deliver valuable healthcare products & services.

For patients, healthcare products should be…



Does the product give patients the tools they need to take control of their health and stick with their treatment plan.



Does the product fit comfortably into patients’ lifestyles and satisfy their health conditions needs?



Is the product easy to use and understand?

For HCPs, healthcare products need to be…



Does the product fit into healthcare professional workflows and does it save them time?



Does the product give healthcare professionals the information they need to make informed decisions about their patients and improve outcomes?



Can healthcare professionals get reimbursed for using the product?

For payers & providers, healthcare solutions need to…


Clinically effective

Does the product improve patients' quality of life, delay disease progression and/or reduce comorbidities?



Does the product save money for the payer by reducing or eliminating the need for other costly interventions?



Does the product provide payers with the information they need to make informed decisions about coverage and reimbursement?

By considering the above key needs at every stage of development we can help you deliver successful healthcare products and services.

Our end-to-end design and development services help product teams minimise risk and deliver great products at speed.

Customer needs analysis

Improve your products, services, marketing, and overall strategy. 

Understand what customers want and need.

Companies that make these changes will improve their products' chances of success.

Competitor landscape analysis

Make informed decisions about your product's development.

Help your teams understand their competitors' products, pricing, and marketing strategies.

Provide insights into the overall market trends.

Iterative product development

An agile working process where our research, design and development teams work closely together to continually improve your product's user experience. 

Depending on your product's launch date, your concept will be run through rounds of design improvement, prototyping and user testing.

Real-tech prototyping

Our real-tech prototyping / rapid prototyping process allows our team to visualise and test your product iteratively to gain feedback and validation from users, stakeholders and designers. 

This process will drastically improve the quality of your product by alleviating it’s riskiest assumptions.

Product accelerator

Take your product to the next level by developing its true value proposition.

This core outlet for product innovation allows your concept to grow to its full potential through our iterative and user centered research and development process.

User testing

The rigorous process that we use to test product concepts, functions and applications. 

Design Researchers and Human Factors Specialists review the stimulus with real users who perform tests in neutral, unbiased and realistic conditions.

UX audit

Gain the data you need to understand where your product is falling short and how to improve it. 

Our team of experts use proven research methods to analyse user behaviour so that you can make data-driven decisions about your product's future.

Product market fit

Before your company launches your product you will need to confirm that enough users are willing to pay for it.

With our strategic research, advertising and marketing expertise you can feel confident that when it comes to launch day your customers will be waiting to purchase your product.